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The rules
  • 每組參賽者需使用ME-6992B結構系統桿件(或ME-7003中與ME-6992B相同的桿件),依循著指定的基地模型,向上建造出創意的建築模型 (情境為大飯店,需至少3層樓,總高度不超過60cm)

Each group need to use the ME-6992B structure system (or the same parts in ME-7003 as ME-6992B), follow the designated base model, and build up a creative architectural model (the situation is a hotel, at least 3 floors are required, the total height does not exceed 60cm)

  • 每組參賽者完成建築模型後,需設計建築的外部裝飾與內部裝潢

After each group complete the hotel model, they need to design the exterior and interior decoration of the building

  • 每組參賽者完成建築模型後,需選定一項探究主題,並進行振盪週期的實驗探索,透過數據分析,找出結論

After each group complete the hotel model, they need to select a theme for experimental exploration of the period of oscillation, and find a conclusion through data analysis

  • 每組參賽者需完成一部約8~10min的參賽影片,內容需包含指定的呈現項目,詳細資訊請參閱下方連結的詳細規則資訊 (影片為更改為線上舉辦之非常重要的評分依據,請務必依照指定內容拍攝)

Each group need to complete a video of about 8~10 minutes, and the content must include the specified items. For details, please refer to the detailed rules information linked below (the video is a very important basis for scoring, please be sure to shoot according to the specified content)

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