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The judges
劉光晏 老師
Assoc. Prof. Kuang-Yen, Liu

劉光晏老師,成功大學土木工程系副教授兼成大College X教師,同時擔任國家地震工程研究中心兼任研究員,專長為橋梁工程、地震工程、鋼筋混凝土結構之耐震評估與補強、大型結構實驗。
劉老師主持橋梁工程與震災恢復研究室,近年來積極投入工程創意教學,舉辦材料力學兩日專案體驗營、材力結構與電腦分析競賽、PASCO結構模型創意組裝競賽、Hilti 錨栓設計軟體校園競賽,並拍攝安全耐震我的家線上數位課程,舉辦安全耐震教案教具研發工作坊等,榮獲2021國立成功大學創新與大學社會責任教學優良獎,及2020國立成功大學教學優良獎殊榮。

Mr. Kuang-Yen, Liu is an associate professor of the Department of Civil Engineering of National Cheng-King University and a teacher of College X of Cheng-Kung University. He is also an adjunct researcher of the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, specializing in bridge engineering, earthquake engineering, seismic evaluation and reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures, and large structural experiments.

Mr. Liu presided over the Bridge Engineering and Earthquake Recovery Laboratory. In recent years, he has been actively involved in engineering creative teaching, holding a two-day project experience camp on material mechanics, material strength structure and computer analysis competition, PASCO creative structure competition, and Hilti anchor bolt design software campus. He also won the 2021 National Cheng Kung University Innovation and University Social Responsibility Teaching Excellence Award and the 2020 National Cheng Kung University Teaching Excellence Award.

李孟學 老師
Assist. Prof. Meng-Hsueh, Li

李孟學老師,成功大學不分系助理教授,擔任成大College X教師、未來館空間管理委員會執行秘書、成大苗圃災害防救計畫共同主持人,協助推動跨領域教師認證與培育、新18週(15+3)創新教育、設計思考融入課程。

Mr. Meng-Hsueh, Li is an assistant professor of National Cheng-Kung University, and a teacher of College X of Cheng-Kung University, the executive secretary of the Space Management Committee of the Future Venue, and the co-host of the disaster prevention and rescue plan of the nursery of Cheng-Kung University. 

Mr. Li was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University, and helped to promote the Ministry of Education's cross-disciplinary teacher development and talent cultivation (nursery program), with the goal of cultivating cross-disciplinary teachers and student seedlings by design and thinking, and established a cross-disciplinary teacher cooperation mechanism. Responsible for the preparation, promotion, communication and integration of master plans and sub-projects. In addition, he was the confidential secretary of the Public Works Committee of the Executive Yuan, assisting the central and local governments to solve problems, including project management, disaster prevention and rescue, and information analysis; the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Education plan preparation, writing and promotion.

施忠賢 結構技師
SE. Dr. JUSTIN Chung-Hsien, Shih


Mr. Shih Chung-Hsien Shih is a Ph.D. in the Department of Architecture of Cheng-Kung University. He is currently the head of the Justin C.H. Shih Structural Engineer & Associates and the chairman of the Tainan Structural Engineer Association. He is also a committee member of the architectural review committee of the historical and historic buildings and memorial buildings in Chiayi City, Kaohsiung City, Kinmen, Pingtung and Miaoli.

Mr. Shih specializes in structural design, seismic assessment and reinforcement and historic structures. In recent years, the Pingtung Library, which he participated in the structural design, won the first prize of the 2021 Taiwan Architecture Award, and the Kaohsiung City Historic Building Xiaoyao Garden Restoration Project won the 2021 Kaohsiung City Public Building Landscape Architecture Garden Award. In addition, the reinforcement plan of the Tainan Deguang Middle School Building "Xixian Building and Three Provinces Building" won the 2013 Structural Seismic Reinforcement Technology Award by the Earthquake Engineering Society of the Republic of China.

許瑞榮 老師
Prof. Rue-Ron, Hsu

許瑞榮老師,成功大學物理系教授兼理學院科學教育中心主任,專長為重力理論、天文物理、非線性物理與高空大氣電學。曾於1999-2016之間參與福爾摩沙衛星二號科學酬載計畫”高空大氣閃電影像儀(ISUAL)”,並於2002-2004, 2007-2016擔任計畫主持人,1998-2002, 2005-2006擔任共同主持人。近年來積極投入大學的通識教育、高中科學人才培育、以及大眾科普教育等工作;榮獲2017國立成功大學教學優良獎殊榮,2019國立成功大學通識課程優良教師獎 2019-2021國立成功大學創新與大學社會責任教學優良獎。

Mr. Hsu is a professor of the Department of Physics and director of the Science Education Center of Cheng-Kung University, specializing in gravity theory, astrophysics, nonlinear physics and high-altitude atmospheric electricity. From 1999 to 2016, he participated in the scientific payload project of Formosa Satellite 2, "Imaging Instrument for High-altitude Atmospheric Lightning (ISUAL)", and served as the project host from 2002-2004, 2007-2016, 1998-2002, 2005-2006 as co-host. In recent years, he has actively invested in general education, high school science talent cultivation, and popular science education in universities; he won the 2017 National Cheng Kung University Teaching Excellence Award, and the 2019 National Cheng Kung University General Education Excellent Teacher Award 2019-2021 National Cheng Kung University Innovation and University Social Responsibility Teaching Excellence Award.

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